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Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum


*Numerals 1-30
*Counting Objects to 10
*One to One correspondence of objects
*Sorting by various attributes-color, shape, size
*Patterns: AB, AABB, ABC
*Sizes-small, medium, large
*Shapes-square, rectangle, circle, triangle, diamond, heart, oval, star
*Matching symbols, shapes, patterns, etc.
*Same and Different
*More, Less, Same
*Time: Day and Night
*Money: Explore through games, songs, and pretend play

*Exposure to alphabet, letter names and sounds
*Recognize, spell, write first name
*Hold a pencil, marker, crayon correctly
*Retell familiar stories
*Draw pictures and dictate sentences about stories and experiences
*Answer questions about stories
*Repeat simple nursery rhymes and fingerplays
*Concepts of print:left to right direction, holding book right-side-up
*Build new vocabulary
*Build listening skills
*Strengthen visual discrimination
*Develop fine motor skills

*Explore science tools: magnets, magnifying glasses, etc.
*Experience the world through nature walks, gardening, and other explorations
*Observe insect life
*Observe plant growth
*Observe weather and plant life during each season
*Measure and mix ingredients in cooking activities
*Identify basic colors and explore color mixing
*Make observational drawings and dictation
*Explore the world with the five senses
*Investigate animals, the homes they live in, the food they eat
*Name the parts of a body

Creative Arts
*Explore a variety of art processes: painting, drawing, sculpture, weaving, collage, etc.
*Use a variety of art materials: crayons, paint, colored pencils, markers, chalk, clay, etc.
*Experiment with mixing paint colors
*Sing traditional songs and songs that enhance the curriculum
*Participate in movement songs and dances
*Use scarves, rhythm sticks, and bean bags to practice rhythm
*Use a variety of children's instruments
*Participate in dramatic play
*Dramatize familiar stories
*Act out the movements and sounds of animals

Social Skills
*Practice problem solving skills in social situations
*Work in groups or with a partner on a variety of projects
*Share classroom materials with the group
*Practice using manners: please, thank you, excuse me, table manners
*Communicate his/her needs
*Take care of his/her own basic needs: clean up, fasten clothing, use kleenex, etc.
*State personal information: first and last name, age, school name
*Explore types of work and workers
*Explore modes of transportation
*Participate in projects to help others in need

*Use computer programs to create picture stories
*Use a computer mouse: click, click and drag
*Use the internet to explore kid-friendly websites

*Listen to Old Testament and New Testament Bible stories
*Recognize that plants, animals, and human beings are God's creation
*Recognize that God created families to love and take care of each other
*Learn about God's love
*Listen to stories of the life of Jesus
*Learn Jesus' teachings to love God and one another
*Recognize the holiness of Mary
*View symbols of our faith such as: water, the cross, wheat, bread, grapes, etc.

Social Studies
*Recognize that there are many kinds of families
*Name different jobs people have
*Explore varieties of houses
*Learn about needs of a family (shelter, clothing, food, each other)


Kindergarten Readiness

  • Be able to state first and last name when asked.

  • Be able to write first name 

  • Use appropriate three-finger grasp when using writing instruments (pencils, crayons and scissors)

  • Count to at least thirty 

  • Know all the letters in their first name.

  • Identify basic geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval, star, rhombus (diamond) and heart)

  • Know basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink)

  • Identify numerals 1-10 in random order.

  • Make some letter/sound matches.

  • Identify most upper and lower case letters.

  • Use finger to accurately touch count items to ten 

  • Knows concepts of print (front and back of book, which page comes first, track words left to right).

  • Be able to rhyme words.

  • Retells simple stories in sequence.

  • Sort similar objects (by size, color, shape)

  • Group one, two, three, four, and five objects

  • Use appropriate gross motor skills (bounce a ball, jump, throw, climb)

  • Can ab pattern (exp. cat, dog, cat, dog, cat, dog)




Socially Your Child Should Be Able To...

  • Adjust own clothing before and after using restroom.

  • Use restroom independently including washing hands without reminder.

  • Take off and put on outer clothing

  • Sit for a story without interrupting

  • Clean up after themselves

  • Shares materials and toys with other children.

  • Attend kindergarten with a positive attitude

  • Be confident and ready to separate from parent.

  • Be able to listen and follow 2-3 step directions.

  • Be able to solve problems without aggression.





Help Prepare Your Child By...

  • Going to interesting places such as the beach, park, zoo, airport, farm or lake.  (Example: Use car rides to play I Spy, this encourages children to identify shapes, colors and helps develop their vocabulary in fun ways.)

  • Encourage your children to observe and talk about their experiences, as conversations with adults who care enrich a child’s vocabulary and understanding of world.

  • Make eye contact with your child while listening to them speak, showing them that you value what they say.

  • Expose your child to many kinds of literature by reading to them daily.

  • Praise and encourage your child’s efforts and curiosity, knowing that from mistakes come learning and confidence. Criticism can discourage children from trying new things and lower self confidence. 

(630) 968-6155

440 Prairie Avenue, Downers Grove

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